Moosey Productions
It's more than just saving the stars: Dark skies need protecting for our health, safety, nature, and science.
Exploring the relationship between native plants and pollinators and how they can benefit local ecosystems in our ever changing climate.
The Buzz on Native Plants
The Buzz on Native Plants explores the relationship between native plants and pollinators and how they can benefit local ecosystems in our ever changing climate.
The goal of the film is to raise awareness about the importance of biodiverse native ecosystems in our ever changing climate.
Official Selection for Maryland International Film Festival 2024
Official Selection for Maine Outdoor Film Festival 2024
Trailer (3 minutes)
View trailer here:
Moosey Productions
Moosey Productions focuses on creating video content to inspire change and bring hope for the future. Moosey Productions works in partnership with organizations to elevate messages with themes in Nature, Science, Health, and History. The film Defending the Dark has been screened nationwide and around the world educating audiences on light pollution.
The Buzz on Native Plants is currently screening in film festivals and is also available for community screenings. Contact: